Accelerate your contract delivery process and reduce static risk with SigniFlow for insurance

The Value Chain
In a competitive landscape where it’s all about service delivery, the insurer with the best system closes the deal. Tier one underwriters have an obligation to brokers, intermediaries and the customer, alike.

The customer buys peace of mind from a broker that demands service and functionality. SigniFlow delivers on both, incorporating compliance with functionality.

Long-term and short-term each have their own challenges. Customers demand ease-of-use on the front-end, while compliance demands processes to be followed without fail. It’s a balancing act that SigniFlow knows all about.

SigniFlow was built to automate and digitise the customer journey. Beautiful documents on the front-end and compliant auditable systems in the back-end.

In the spotlight
As leaders in specialised risk for more than 30 years, Lombard Insurance Company Limited needed a digital intermediary system with easy access to agencies and partners.

Lombard operates in a complex, regulated environment that deals with agencies, partners, brokers and their specialised clientele.

Building a system of this nature, would be no easy feat.

A story of success
Utilising a comprehensive stack of SigniFlow technologies, custom development and integration, Lombard launched their state-of-the-art Intermediary Management System (IMS) in 2020, powered by SigniFlow.

The system has been touted by those in the know as “an absolute game-changer”. Cover magazine’s Tony van Niekerk interviewed Lombard’s Doug Laburn and Graham Charlton about the IMS platform. Read more here.

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